When manufacturing or machining high-tech components, extreme precision is vital. The project specifications precisely specify the maximum deviation from the described dimensions that is permitted. This maximum deviation is called the tolerance.
When manufacturing or machining high-tech components, extreme precision is vital. The project specifications precisely specify the maximum deviation from the described dimensions that is permitted. This maximum deviation is called the tolerance.
The constructor generally determines the tolerance. Where necessary, based on knowledge and years of experience, Ter Hoek provides advice in this area. Because we can realize very tight tolerances, but this requires a more intensive manufacturing process. When a wider tolerance is acceptable, it will positively impact the cost price.
Down to a thousandth of a millimeter
Under certain conditions, a tolerance of up to 1.0 micron (a thousandth of a millimeter) is feasible using spark erosion. But a tolerance of only 20 microns in material with a thickness of 500 millimeters is also no problem at Ter Hoek! Together with you, our customer, we will determine the optimal tolerance based on the choice of technique, machine, and material.
Consistent conditions
Our manufacturing facility is optimally equipped to control our processes down to the smallest detail. For example, there is always a constant temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. Consistent conditions are essential to ensure our high reliability in series manufacturing. Our series is consistent because the process is properly controlled.